For Towns

Coming Soon

Smarter Ways to Attract more Customers into Town Centres

i-piggy has designed a smart new service to motivate increasingly ‘savvy’ customers to return to Town Centres by integrating the very latest consumer technologies with tried and tested methods that have been used with such devastating effects by Internet and out-of-town Retailers.

Identity + Diversity + Loyalty = Advantage

Town and city centres up and down the UK are being devastated changes in consumer behavior and in extreme cases, resultant ”ghost towns’ are becoming increasingly problematic. Fortunately, it’s not the same everywhere: people still love to shop, meet, eat and be entertained – and still conduct their essential business face to face – the traditional functions and pleasures of a town centre.

i-piggy provides easy-to-use and innovative services including loyalty, marketing and communication features to help town-based commerce compete with out-of-town superstores, retail parks and on-line traders - on a more level playing field.

Organised by Town and Community

i-piggy will operate UK-wide but is being organised locally by town so for members (customers) who join a town scheme, not only can they earn great benefits in their ‘home’ town centre, but they can earn points nationally – in other towns and on-line.  Uniquely, if an i-piggy member chooses to spend their points, they may do so only in the town to which their points card is registered – a significant advantage over local currency schemes.

i-piggy is designed to adapt to specific needs and using local knowledge and co-ordination to encourage return of footfall into town centres. Flexibility is key and discrete town schemes are configured geographically to best serve both urban and rural communities and catchment areas. i-piggy can even be used to set up a loyalty scheme for businesses that are not geographically linked, e.g. by a trade group or association.

Local Branding

TownchesterMemberCardTown schemes can be styled to promote loyalty in the area they represent. This includes imagery for membership cards, partner cards and promotional material. The i-piggy logo does not need to take centre stage, but sufficient to identify the scheme as part of the i-piggy programme.

It’s not all about convenience shopping and Big Names to draw in customers. More importantly, it’s also about town identity, uniqueness and pride, which is much overlooked and foreshadowed by the unequal influence of the major retailers whose corporate need for logistical efficiency and market dominance are so influential. And, it’s no good relying on the persistence of big chains: Woolworths, Jessops, Blockbuster, JJB Sports, Comet etc. Where are they now? Town diversity and identity should be nurtured and promoted – and this is where i-piggy can play a part.

For more details about using i-piggy in your town, call us on 01568 613272